1. Power off your device.
2. Put in a sim from another carrier
3. Power on the router.
4. Get it connected to either your phone or PC.
5. Lunch your browser.
6. Go to the url   enter
7. The device Web UI will open and you will see enter device password. Now put in admin. That is a default password if not changed. Then login. After that a space provided for you to enter the unlock code will be there.
8. Get your unlock code from any online Server or contact us for cheap price of 15 Ghc only
9. Click or tap unlock.

c­on­tac­t us:
­­emai­l remed­­ymul­t­ime­di­a@­gma­i­l.co­­m
ph­­one/w­ha­ts­app : 02494­­9196­7 or 02644­­0445­0­

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