1. Change the default sim with another network provider sim.

2. Connect your Vodafone (Huawei) K4203 Hi-Link 3G modem to PC.

3. Let it install all the software and drivers which is required by the dongle.

4. Now Vodafone K4203 dashboard (WebUI) will be opened automatically.

5. Now it will ask you unlock code.

6. Put correct unlock code and it will be unlocked forever.

7. Now create the profile as per new sim and connect to internet.

NOTE: Please use Windows 7 for the Unlocking 

Don’t try wrong codes into your  Vodafone K4203 Modem or it will be perma­nentl­y locke­d. You can purch­ase from any onlin­e serve­r or just contact us for cheap rate unloc­k code at the rate of 6ghc only.­

c­on­tac­t us:
­­emai­l remed­­ymul­t­ime­di­a@­gma­i­l.co­­m
ph­­one : 02494­­9196­7 or 02644­­0445­0­
w­ha­ts­app : 02494­­9196­7

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